Animas Animals

560 Sundance Circle
Durango, CO 81303


Food Therapy for Cough (Lung Qi Deficiency)


 Food Therapy for Cough (Lung Qi Deficiency)


Lung Qi Deficiency is a TCVM pattern commonly associated with chronic respiratory disease where patients are showing a Qi Deficiency, or weakness, of the Lung. Your pet may be showing generalized weakness, exercise intolerance, a weak bark/voice, and difficulty breathing. Examples of Western diseases that are considered to be Lung Qi Deficiency include asthma, nasal congestion/discharge, rhinitis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and chronic laryngitis. A chinese medical exam shows a pale/wet tongue and weak pulse.

Acupuncture and chinese herbal combinations are helpful for these conditions as well as food therapy. Whereas the effects of acupuncture and herbs can be seen within days to a week, the benefits of food therapy may take up to a month to be observed but can be quite powerful and are always a great addition.

For these conditions, it is important to feed foods that tonify both Lung and Spleen Qi. With conditions involving Deficiency of Qi, energetically cool or cold foods should be avoided. The following foods can be added as a top dressing to your pet’s current diet. A specialized diet for your pet can also be formulated through a nutritional consult.


Equine patients:
Carrots, Oats, Peach, Alfalfa, Peanut hay, pumpkin, citrus, sweet potato


Small Animal patients:
Meats: lamb, chicken, beef, cow/goat rumen, salmon
Grains/vegetables/fruits: corn, cooked oatmeal, cooked quinoa, cooked brown rice, kale, mustard greens, pumpkin, winter squash, sweet potato, yam, shitake mushrooms


Foods to avoid:
Clam, duck, yogurt, turkey, cod, tofu, celery, pear, apple, watermelon


For a quick Qi tonifying supplemental diet, try this pineapple/honey recipe

• Pineapple Spleen Qi tonic 4oz
• Honey Qi tonic/moisten lung 1oz

• Slice pineapple into pieces after peeling
• Add pineapple, honey and 1 cup water to saucepan
• Cook for 20 minutes
• Supplement pet’s diet twice daily